

Gold Telly Winner

Online Series - Video Journalism - BIG BUSINESS - Insider 2023

Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi Awards

Digital Video - Why miners risk their lives to get sulfur from an active volcano

NYSSCPA Excellence in Financial Journalism Award (ESJ) Winner

Video (Large) category How bread became unaffordable around the world

Society of American Travel Writers

2023 Lowell Thomas Bronze Award - How Singapore Airlines Makes 50,000 In-Flight Meals a Day

Shorty Awards

Silver Honor in Youtube Presence - Insider Business

Gold Telly Winner

Vanilla is the 2nd most expensive spice. Why do Madagascar’s farmers live in poverty?

Silver Telly Winner

Online General-Video Journalism & Online Craft Motion Graphics - Mezcal is the fastest growing liquor in the US. Why aren’t Mexican producers cashing in?

Silver Telly Winner

Online General-Video Journalism & Online General-Documentary: Short Form (Under 40 Minutes) - How one chef is fighting to preserve a cooking tool as old as civilization itself

Silver Telly Winner

Online Craft-Motion Graphics / Design - Why tiny cactus bugs in red food dye are a $35 billion industry

Bronze Telly Winner & Silver Telly Online Series Winner

Why miners risk their lives to get sulfur from an active volcano

Bronze Telly Winner

Online Craft-Motion Graphics / Design How this Florida town became the sea sponge capital of the world